SET MENU PACKAGE II for 300 Pax at Holiday Inn Jakarta Kemayoran

Di Kelola oleh WeddingMarket


Hemat 7jt
Rp. 324,000,000,-

Rp. 317,000,000,-

Minimum Order



Tanggal Pengiriman

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Cicilan 0% by WeddingMarket

3 Bulan IDR 105,666,667++ per bulan
6 Bulan IDR 52,833,333++ per bulan
9 Bulan IDR 35,222,222++ per bulan

* Cicilan dihitung berdasarkan minimum harga pemesanan & belum termasuk biaya layanan bank


- Complimentary food tasting up 10 (ten) persons prior to your Wedding Day
- Complimentary usage of function room for technical meeting

- Free usage of function room for Akad/ Blessing or Tea ceremony
- Standard sound system during Akad / Blessing or Tea ceremony

- 2 (two) sections of Angsana Grand Ballroom usage
- 4 or 8 course of Chinese / Western Set Menu
- Free flow mineral water by bottle during reception
- 4 (four) Reception books
- Complimentary chinese tea
- Complimentary electricity usage up to 8.000 watt
- Champagne tower with 2 (two) bottles of sparkling juice for wedding toast
- Holiday Inn Jakarta Kemayoran special ambience lighting

- 1 (one) room for 2 (two) nights stay at Deluxe Suite for bride and groom
- 4 (four) rooms for 1 (one) night stay at Deluxe Room for family
- Special room rate for family and friends attending the wedding party

Additional Set Menu Rp 8,800,000 net per table of 10 persons

Wedding Package 2023 Valid for booking period : 1 August 2022-30 June 2023

Valid for wedding period : 2 January 2023 - 30 December 2023

*Terms & Conditions penggunaan Angsana Ballroom : January - March 2023 September - December 2023 Minimum order di 500 pax, diluar periode tersebut untuk buffet bisa start di 200 pax, untuk set menu start di 150 pax

Untuk Dp Sesuai Kebijakan Venue
Dana yang sudah masuk tidak dapat dikembalikan
Silahkan hubungi Wedding Consultant kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut
Harga masih bisa di custom sesuai kebutuhan calon pengantin

Suggest Product :

Hemat 4jt
Hemat 6jt
200 Pax
Hemat 3jt
100 Pax
Rp. 94,380,000,-
Rp. 91,190,000,-
Hemat 10jt
300 Pax