Ruby Package for 500 Pax at Millennium Hotel Sirih Jakarta

Di Kelola oleh WeddingMarket


Hemat 9.75jt
Rp. 389,999,999,-

Rp. 380,249,999,-

Minimum Order



Tanggal Pengiriman

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Cicilan 0% by WeddingMarket

3 Bulan IDR 126,750,000++ per bulan
6 Bulan IDR 63,375,000++ per bulan
9 Bulan IDR 42,250,000++ per bulan

* Cicilan dihitung berdasarkan minimum harga pemesanan & belum termasuk biaya layanan bank

Ruby Package Chinese Set Menu for 300 Pax

- Waiver of Grand Ballroom Rental Fee
- 3 (three) bottles of sparkling juice for wedding toast
- Complimentary tea & tea pai equipment
- Chocolate praline and fruit basket at Bride & Groom room
- Special rate room for additional room
- 2 (two) reception tables with 2 (two) reception books
- Bridal Suite 2 night including breakfast for 2 persons

Chinese Set Menu :
- Cold jelly fish with sliced chicken
- Braised shredded abalone and seafood soup
- Fried Prawn with Oatmeal
- Yeung chow fried rice with tobiki
- Beef Blackpepper
- Seafood sapo tofu with broccoli & mushroom
- Roasted sasame chicken
- Chinese Pancake
- Mixed fruit platter
- Free Flow Chinese Tea & Mineral Water

Additional IDR 5.700.000 nett/table
Valid Until December 2022

Untuk Dp Sesuai Kebijakan Venue
Dana yang sudah masuk tidak dapat dikembalikan
Silahkan hubungi Wedding Consultant kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut
Harga masih bisa di custom sesuai kebutuhan calon pengantin

Suggest Product :

Hemat 4jt
Hemat 6jt
200 Pax
Hemat 3jt
100 Pax
Rp. 94,380,000,-
Rp. 91,190,000,-
Hemat 10jt
300 Pax