Romantic Package for 150 Pax at Royal Tulip Gunung Geulis Resort and Golf

Di Kelola oleh WeddingMarket


Hemat 6jt
Rp. 181,500,000,-

Rp. 175,500,000,-

Minimum Order



Tanggal Pengiriman

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Cicilan 0% by WeddingMarket

3 Bulan IDR 58,500,000++ per bulan
6 Bulan IDR 29,250,000++ per bulan
9 Bulan IDR 19,500,000++ per bulan

* Cicilan dihitung berdasarkan minimum harga pemesanan & belum termasuk biaya layanan bank

Romantic Package for 150 Pax

Prior to Great Happiness
- Food Tasting for 8 (eight) persons
- Function room for technical meeting
- Coffee break for 10 persons

The Wedding Day
- Blessing Ceremony venue at Zen Deck, use 2 (two) hours with food snack for 50 persons
- Wedding reception buffet for 120 persons at LL One Terrace or private function room

Food Stall
- 70 portions of Siomay & Batagor Bandung
 -70 portions of Bakso Royal Tulip
- 70 portions of Lontong Cap Gomeh
- 50 portions of Ice Cream
- Free flow iced lemon tea for 2 (two) hours paired with buffet order
- 5 (five) tiers fountain tower with a bottle of sparkling fruit (no alcohol)
- 2 (two) hours usage of fountain room for ceremonial
- 2 (two) wedding signature books
- 300 sqm roder tent
- 60 sqm transparent tent
- Sarnafil tent (for music)

The Bride and Groom & Family
- 2 (two) nights stay at Junior Suite, including breakfast for 2 (two) persons
- 1 (one) nights stay at 2 (two) Deluxe Room, including breakfast for 2 (two) persons

Additional Benefit :
- Free flow water of Ice Water
-  2.000 watt electricity for Zen Deck
- 5.000 watt electricity for LL One Terrace
- Special rates room for additional room booking
- Free parking
*Saturday night minimum spending at outdoor IDR 330.000.000 ++

Additional IDR 665.500 nett/pax
Valid Until December 2022

Dana yang sudah masuk tidak dapat dikembalikan
Pelunasan H-1 Bulan
Silahkan hubungi Wedding Consultant kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut
Harga masih bisa di custom sesuai kebutuhan calon pengantin

Suggest Product :

Hemat 4jt
Hemat 6jt
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Hemat 3jt
100 Pax
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Rp. 91,190,000,-
Hemat 10jt
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