Include venue & catering 200 Pax
- Dekorasi backdrop pelaminan 6-8 meter w/ mix flowers
- Standing Flowers (2 Stage Area & 6 Hall Area)
- Mini Garden
- Wedding Gate / Pergola
- Decoration reception area
- Welcome Sign
- Red Carpet
- 1 Set Kotak Angpao
- 1 Photographer
- 1 Videographer
- Master Photo All Files
- Video Teaser / Highlight
- 50 - 100 Edited Photos
- 5-6 Hours
- Wedding Singer
- Keyboard
- Saxophone
- Sound System
Master of Ceremony for 2 hours
WO On The Day 6 orang
- 6 Professional Wedding Organizer On The Day
- Coordination with Vendors and Venue (H-1 Month)
- Free Time Consultations (via Social Media)
- Create Event Rundown / Wedding Handbook
- Evaluation & Reporting Event
- 6 Hours
Voucher Wedding Ring by V&Co Jewellery Senilai Rp 5.000.000,-
Produk paket dapat di sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan
Hubungi Clara wedding Sekarang
Dana yang sudah masuk tidak dapat dikembalikan
Pelunasan H-1 Bulan
Silahkan hubungi Wedding Consultant kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut
Harga masih bisa di custom sesuai kebutuhan calon pengantin