Include venue & Food & Beverage Buffet Wedding 150 Pax, 200 Portion Food Stall
Wedding Organizer On The Day
5 Professional Wedding Organizer On The Day
Holy Matrimony or Akad & Reception
3 Times Meeting (2x Coordination Meeting, 1x Technical Meeting)
Coordination with Vendors and Venue (H-1 Month)
Create Event Rundown / Wedding Handbook
Backdrop Stage (est 6x3m)
1 Set Sofa Pengantin
Mini Garden under stage
Standing Flowers 4 Pcs
Wedding Gate
2 Kotak Angpau
Akad Set Decoration
Welcome Sign
Photo Video
1 Photography
1 Videography
Files Edited Photo + All Files
Video Cinematic Wedding (2-3 Minutes)
Video Highlight (1 Minutes)
Entertainment Music
1 Keyboard
1 Saxophone
1 Singer
Sound system (with crew)
MC (Master of Ceremony)
Master Of Ceremony (2 hours)
Make Up & Attire / Bridal
Makeup + Hairdo+Retouch Bride & Groom
Makeup for Parents
1 Set Attire Bride & Groom
4 Attier for Parents (exclude kebaya)
2 Attier & Makeup Wedding Receptionist
Produk paket dapat di sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan
Hubungi Clara wedding Sekarang
Valid Until December 2023
Dana yang sudah masuk tidak dapat dikembalikan
Pelunasan H-1 Bulan
Silahkan hubungi Wedding Consultant kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut
Harga masih bisa di custom sesuai kebutuhan calon pengantin
Harga dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu, dengan / tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu