Intimate Package Singosari or Sumba Room for 300 Pax at Hotel Borobudur Jakarta

Di Kelola oleh WeddingMarket


Hemat 4.5jt
Rp. 268,000,000,-

Rp. 263,500,000,-

Minimum Order



Tanggal Pengiriman

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Cicilan 0% by WeddingMarket

3 Bulan IDR 87,833,333++ per bulan
6 Bulan IDR 43,916,667++ per bulan
9 Bulan IDR 29,277,778++ per bulan

* Cicilan dihitung berdasarkan minimum harga pemesanan & belum termasuk biaya layanan bank

Intimate Package
Singosari or Sumba Room

Before the Wedding Day:
- Complimentary Food Tasting for up to 10 (ten) persons
- Complimentary use of a function room for your pre-wedding meeting including refreshment for 10 (ten) persons
- Free use of Hotel Borobudur Jakarta's garden and poolside area for your pre-wedding photo session

On your Wedding Day:
- Complimentary 1 (one) night stay in Executive Suite with Club benefits as a Bridal room including breakfast for the Bride & Groom
- Complimentary 4 (four) Superior rooms for 1 (one) night stay each including breakfast for 2 (two) in Bogor café for the Bride & Groom's parents
- Complimentary 1 (one) function room for blessing or tea ceremony
- Romantic rejuvenate spa package for Bride & Groom at Klub Borobudur
- Special wedding gift
- 3 (three) tier wedding cake
- Flower arrangement for buffet table and food stall
- Champagne glass fountain and a bottle of sparkling wine
- 1 (one) set of ice carving
- 20 (twenty) coffee break for Tea Ceremony
- 20 (twenty) meal boxes for committee
- 200 portions from wedding buffet menu
- 100 portions of the legendary Borobudur oxtail soup
- 3 (three) stalls each serving 100 portions from food stall menu selection
- 100 portions of Dessert stall from our Food stall menu selection
- 100 glasses of soft drinks and 100 glasses of juices
- Early dinner arrangement for 20 (twenty) portions buffet for family
- 15 (fifteen) complimentary parking vouchers
- 2 (two) reception books

Additional Buffet at Rp. 750.000 net per person

Valid Until December 2023

Untuk Dp Sesuai Kebijakan Venue
Dana yang sudah masuk tidak dapat dikembalikan
Silahkan hubungi Wedding Consultant kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut
Harga masih bisa di custom sesuai kebutuhan calon pengantin

Suggest Product :

Hemat 4jt
Hemat 6jt
200 Pax
Hemat 3jt
100 Pax
Rp. 94,380,000,-
Rp. 91,190,000,-
Hemat 10jt
300 Pax