Lily Package (Novotel Bogor Golf Resort)
Venue hour usage for reception up to 4 (four) Hours 250 until 1000 portions wedding buffet :
Buffet including :
- 2 soups
- 3 salads
Main Course
- White rice
- Fried rice
- Beef
- Chicken
- Fish/Squid
- Prawn
- Vegetable
- Seasonal slice fruits
- Assorted pudding
- 3 choices of dessert
- Chilled Juice based on pax order
- Mineral water free flow 4 hours
Complimentary :
Buffet Item : Noodle or Pasta Dish on Wedding Buffet
Buffet Item : Potato Dish on Wedding Buffet
Food Stall : 3 (three) selection of food stall each for 200 portions 3 (three) pile of Ice Cream
Food Stall : 3 (three) Traditional whole Roasted Lamb serve with rice cake and condiment or Stall Premium or Live Carving Stall each for 30 portions
Bonus usage 4 screen Videotron include Content Creator
Valid Until December 2023
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